Wednesday, October 11, 2023

TAPESTRY duo is honored to have our music as part of a recent play list for Valerie Green’s radio show, Harpestry (Thank you, Valerie!). Valerie offers a tribute to our friend, the late Al Petteway, on her October 9, 2023 show, making it even more special.

Here is the link, give it a listen:   Harpestry Radio Show!

Friday, April 14, 2023

Cass Tech Harp Program

My talented friend, Lydia Cleaver, leads the nearly 100 year old harp program at Cass Tech in Detroit.

This lovely article was published by the Detroit Free Press on April 14, 2023.  Enjoy!

(Photo by Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press)

Click here to read the story:

Detroit Free Press: Cass Tech Harp Program

Friday, March 17, 2023

Carpe Diem !

I am sure you have heard the term                                                      'Sieze the Day' also known as 'Carpe Diem'.

But have you thought about expanding on this concept?

Please enjoy this TED talk, given by Phil Hansen, an artist who learned to Embrace the Shake.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

 Greetings from Northwest Ohio. You are likely familiar with harpist and author, Diane Michaels. Diane wrote the wonderful 3 book series about a working harpist named Ellen. “Ellen the Harpist” - “Ellen at Sea” and “Ellen the Bride”.

But did you know that Diane continues to write delightful stories about families, people, friends and a little romance too?  She called it “Chick lit”.  Her latest, “Splitting Heirs” was just released.

You can fine Diane’s delightful books here: